Monday 28 October 2024

Jakarta, 28 Oktober 2024 – More and more Indonesian students are daring to pursue their dreams of studying abroad. According to the 2022 UNESCO Global Students Flow, more than 350,000 Southeast Asian students are studying abroad. Around 56,000, or 16% of these students are from Indonesia, with the majority choosing Australia, the United States, and the United Kingdom as their destinations.

Given the numerous study abroad scholarship programs, IELTS scores are the essential requirement. IELTS is an international standardized test that measures the English language proficiency of non-native speakers assessing four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking) with a score range of 0-9. The IELTS score can measure a person's overall English-speaking ability.

IELTS is widely recognized by educational institutions, companies, and immigration authorities in English-speaking countries. In fact, more than 12,500 global organizations trust IELTS, including university and international companies. The British Council Indonesia Foundation, a foundation focused on English language development through British Council IELTS, is offering students the opportunity to save up to IDR300,000 on weekdays and IDR100,000 on weekends for scholarship hunters during November – December 2024.

Arnold Simanjuntak, Senior Business Development Manager at the British Council Indonesia Foundation, explained, "This benefit offers various advantages to maximize test preparation and achieve optimal IELTS scores, thereby increasing the chances of securing scholarships at leading global universities. This special promotion, exclusively for British Council Indonesia test takers, aims to provide them with even greater value from their IELTS test with us while also supporting the initiative of the 7th Indonesian President, Joko Widodo (Jokowi), to increase the number of Indonesian scholarship recipients fivefold by 2024."

The offer is valid at several IELTS test locations, including Office 8 Jakarta, University Access Centre West Jakarta, London School of Accountancy and Finance North Jakarta, Multimedia Nusantara University Tangerang, Golden Gate Education Bali, SYNERGI International Academy Medan, UPT Bahasa Unimed Surabaya, CILACS Universitas Islam Indonesia Yogyakarta, BETA Bridging Borders Bandung, and Service English Unit Diponegoro University Semarang.

There is also a special benefit available in the form of free official test preparation materials, IELTS Ready Premium, for scholarship candidates. Various benefits are offered through IELTS Ready Premium, including 40 practice tests for each section (Speaking, Writing, Reading, and Listening), writing practice with sample answers demonstrating assessment criteria, feedback for each Reading and Listening question, masterclasses to hone test-taking skills, and exercises specifically designed to improve Listening, Reading, Writing, and Speaking skills. This program is available free of charge exclusively for British Council IELTS test takers and can be accessed up to seven days after the test date.

British Council IELTS also provides highly flexible IELTS testing in terms of scheduling and location. There are 17 official test centers spread across Indonesia, providing easy access for prospective test takers in various cities, including Medan, Padang, Jakarta, Depok, Bogor, Bandung, Tangerang, Semarang, Solo, Yogyakarta, Surabaya, Makassar, and Manado, and Denpasar.

To meet diverse needs and preferences, the British Council offers three IELTS test formats: IELTS on Paper and IELTS on Computer. IELTS on Paper will complete the Listening, Reading, and Writing sections on paper. The Speaking test will be conducted face-to-face or through a video call with a trained IELTS Examiner. On the other hand, IELTS on Computer is exactly the same as the IELTS on Paper test. However, instead of writing their answers on paper, test takers will type them on a computer. Now, test takers can receive their IELTS on Computer results within 1-5 days, while for the IELTS on Paper, results will be received within 13 days.

British Council IELTS also allows test takers who wish to improve their score in one of the four skills to take the IELTS One Skill Retake. This way, test takers can retake one skill and fully concentrate on improving that score.

“With various scholarships offered by both domestic and international institutions, the British Council Indonesia is committed to supporting easy access to the IELTS test for scholarship applicants. We believe that this step will help more individuals achieve better educational opportunities,” concluded Arnold.

For more information about the British Council IELTS program, please visit


Notes to Editor

For media information, please contact:   


Narita Singer

Marketing and Communications Manager (based in Indonesia)  

British Council  

Tel: +62 811-1331-135  



Kartika Sugiarto

Account Manager

Ogilvy Indonesia

Tel: +62 813 8209 4435



About the British Council

The British Council is the UK’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. We support peace and prosperity by building connections, understanding and trust between people in the UK and countries worldwide. We do this through our work in arts and culture, education and the English language. We work with people in over 200 countries and territories and are on the ground in more than 100 countries.  In 2021 – 2022, our performance reached 600 million people.