Santi B. Lestari

Santi B. Lestari is an English teacher and teacher trainer at Universitas Indonesia. She was a Hornby Educational Trust Scholarship awardee and studied MA in English Language Teaching with a specialism in Testing and Assessment at the University of Warwick. Her MA dissertation received a special commendation at the British Council Masters Dissertation Award. Her research interests include teaching academic writing, testing and assessment, assessing writing, and CPD for teachers.

Ina Sukaesih

Ina Sukaesih is an English teacher keen on teaching materials development and researches on language and translation. She was the head of language center responsible for enhancing language competencies of students, academic and admin staff of State Polytechnic of Jakarta and now the coordinator of English Translation programme. Her master degree in Linguistics and Translation is from Sebelas Maret University (UNS). She is still pursuing her doctoral degree focusing on translation at UNS.

Dra. Ida Mariyati, M.Pd.

Dra. Ida Mariyati, M.Pd. is an English teacher at SMKN 57 Jakarta. She graduated from IKIP Negeri Malang majoring in Business Education and continued her study at Sekolah Pasca Sarjana UHAMKA majoring in ELT. She is also the Vice Principal for Curriculum and has done Classroom Action Research on improving students skill using videos. She is a member of English Teachers Association of South Jakarta.

Dr Sintha Tresnadewi

Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi is a teaching staff in the Department of English, Universitas Negeri Malang who teaches English and ELT courses particularly assessment courses, like Language Learning Assessment and Language Assessment Development to under graduate and Advanced Assessment in ELT to graduate students. She has done studies on English testing including for her S2 thesis and S3 dissertation and is currently developing a research-based proficiency exit test for ELT fresh graduates in Indonesia.

Siti Rohani

Siti Rohani, S.Pd., M.Pd., Ph.D. is a senior lecturer at the State Polytechnic of Malang. She gained her doctorate degree with Monash University of Australia in 2012. She focuses her research on oral communication skills, reading skills, and communication strategies. She has written several publication, including journal articles and book chapters. For several years, she has been in charge of handling English Proficiency Test in Politeknik Negeri Malang.

Iwik Pratiwi

Iwik Pratiwi is an English teacher at SMK Negeri 2 Malang and the Vice Principal for Students Affairs. She was frequently involved in local and regional students skill competitions, mostly as an English debate adjudicator. She had the opportunity and was assigned to develop test items for National Examination try outs. She also teaches English at Vocational Education Program of Universitas Brawijaya and has written several publications on linguistics and translation.


Joko Priyana, Ph. D

Joko Priyana, Ph. D. is an English language teacher educator at Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta (UNY). He teaches language teaching and learning methods, instructional design, and learning materials development. In addition to his assignment as the consultant for Dirjen Pendidikan Dasar dan Menengah, he is currently the head of the language centre of UNY who is in charge of the assessment and development of English language proficiency of students, faculty members, and educational staff of UNY.

Nur Rini

Nur Rini is an English lecturer at Politeknik Negeri Semarang (Polines). She graduated from UNS & UNNES. Her thesis is about intra-reliability of students’ self-assessment on their speaking performances. She has taught vocational English for over 30 years and arranged English Proficiency Tests (EPT) with her team for engineering & commerce students at Polines. Her latest publication:“Intelligibility and comprehensibility in English as a lingua franca: Nativized English in Japanese(2017)"

Wiwik Indriyani, S.Pd.M.Si.

Wiwik Indriyani, S.Pd.M.Si is the Principal of SMK Negeri 5 Yogyakarta. She graduated from UNY and S2 Environmental Science from UNS and her research interests on the development of learning model and best practice. She was Indonesia's representative for the development of vocational schools in tourisme along with SEAMEOLEC Jakarta in China and in the Regional Scholarship for Education Leaders and Managers (SELM) on Excellence in Stakeholder Engagement, 2018 SEAMEO INNOTECH in the Philippines.

Dra. Arnita Budi Siswanti, M.Hum

Dra. Arnita Budi Siswanti, M.Hum, an English teacher at SMKN 5 Yogyakarta. She graduated from IKIP PGRI Surabaya majoring in English Education; Master Program of American Studies at UGM and Master Program of English Studies at Sanata Dharma University. She participated in SEAMEO VOCTECH's Developing Innovative Online Teaching Learning Materials program in 2010 and the School Partnership program in Thailand. She has conducted Classroom Action Researchs and published several academic journals.