If you’re really after saving money, bringing your own lunch is a great trick. This way, you can keep your lunch budget.

Salary is a difficult issue for many people. With prices of services and goods that continue to rise, often times people feel their salaries are insufficient. This doesn’t necessarily mean that they live in excess; for most people, the amount they receive is just enough to cover the basics. If you’re one of them, we want to tell you to stop worrying. The amount that you make isn’t the end goal of your journey. And it’s not impossible to go out and have fun once in a while even on your current salary. Let’s take a look at what you can do to work around this problem.

Get your budgeting done

Make it a habit to create your own financial plan at the beginning of every month after you receive your salary. Avoid uncontrollable spending just because you have money on your hands. In fact, the first step before you spend anything is to plan your basic expenses and from there calculate the amount you can keep for other things. Categorize your spending, e.g. transport, lunch, and others, and do not forget to allocate 10% of your pay for savings.

Avoid buying things you don’t need

If you have difficulty to distinguish needs and wants, you’re not alone. But it is important to not buying things just because they look nice. Take going out to dinner with friends for example. Have some meal before you leave; now, you only need to buy some drinks and cut your spending.

Avoid uncontrollable spending just because you have money on your hands.

Bring your own meal

If you’re really after saving money, bringing your own lunch is a great trick. This way, you can keep your lunch budget. It has health benefits, too; home cooking is clearly superior nutrition-wise than take-aways. However, this doesn’t mean you have to exclude yourself from office mates – you can make a schedule that balances between lunch hang out and enjoying your own meal.

Stop comparing yourself with others

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. But how long will you be staring at them? Start seeing friends with higher salaries on less experience than yourself as motivation. Impress your bosses by showing what you can do to get the increase you want. 

Change your mindset

While being compensated is our main goal, working isn’t always about money. It is also about dedicating and applying our knowledge for bigger purposes. This is why some people, whose work reflect their passion, will still enjoy doing what they do despite receiving modest salaries. However, it is possible that your salary demotivates you, or you’re not passionate about your job. Do you know what to do in that kind of situation? 

The answer is: look for a new job. Explore opportunities that appeal to your passion on Urbanhire. With more than 50,000 vacancies, at least one or two will be suitable for you! So, what are you waiting for?

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