Our work in higher education and research looks to enhance global education and promote global citizenship. We do this by connecting people working in the UK higher education sector with counterparts in Indonesia and internationally and by supporting dialogue and exchanges between higher education institutes.

Indonesian universities are increasingly looking to internationalise. There are more opportunities for creating links with institutions in other countries, more scholarships to study abroad, more people wanting to publish research in international journals and more reasons for students to become global citizens than ever before. For many universities, a major barrier to success in these areas is the need for English.

English in Higher Education Event, Jakarta March 2015

As the ASEAN Economic Community opens its borders and higher education institutions look to further develop their English language provision, this one day event brought together policy-makers and practitioners from Indonesia, the UK and other countries in ASEAN, as well as British Council experts, to discuss and find consensus on some of the key issues around English in university contexts, such as:

  • How can universities cope with low levels of English among high school graduates?
  • What does successful English for Academic Purposes curriculum and assessment programme look like?
  • How do we prepare students adequately for study abroad?
  • How can more researchers reach the right level to publish internationally?
  • What are the issues around English Medium Instruction? When is it an appropriate path to take?
  • What are the skills needed by teachers and lecturers in these contexts?

Read more about our higher education work

English for Academic Purposes at School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP)

British Council Indonesia entered into partnership with the School of Government and Public Policy (SGPP) to design and deliver a four-week intensive pre-sessional course in English for Academic Purposes. 

SGPP launched a Master’s Degree course in governance and public policy that is conducted through the medium of English; as a result, prospective students must have a level of English sufficient for academic study prior to commencing their degree course.

The pre-sessional course is tailored, with content focusing on international governance and public policy, with particular reference to Indonesia and East Asia.

We conducted a full needs analysis of academic requirements for the development of the course. After completion of the pre-sessional course, we provide in-sessional support through tutorials.

English Medium Instruction at Institut Teknologi Sepuluh Nopember, Surabaya

As part of its internationalisation programme, ITS has embarked on an ambitious initiative of delivering 2 courses in every department through English Medium Instruction. The overall aim is to increase international opportunities in both employment and academia for students and faculty members, to strengthen the institution’s ability to build international links, and to attract international students. We are supporting that process, through improving capacity to deliver courses in English.

  1. Increased capacity in English Medium Instruction English for more than 120 ITS lecturers, through tailored training programmes based on the British Council English for Academics course
  2. Increased training and mentoring capacity for 34 ITS trainers who will provide future support for all lecturers involved in English Medium Instruction. 
  3. Recommendations for sustaining the project through future training programmes and development of an internal structure to ensure continuing professional development for any teachers involved in English Medium Instruction. 
  4. Ongoing consultation with British Council Indonesia Foundation to ensure implementation of new methodology.

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